THIS IS Talejerdexpo

Ask us for the best dried fruit

Experience and Expertise:

"Talejerdexpo," through its years of export activities, has gained significant experience and expertise in the field of exports. This experience can be a key factor in considering this brand.

High Quality and Standards:

"Talejerdexpo" may be renowned for high-quality products and adherence to reputable international standards. This can establish credibility for your products in the global market.

Welcome to Talejerdexpo

Product Diversity:

If "Talejerdexpo" offers a wide variety of products, it can help you become recognized as a comprehensive supplier in the global market.

Distribution and Marketing Network:

A robust distribution and marketing network can be a positive attribute for collaboration with this brand. It can facilitate the export and distribution processes for your products.


Why Choose Us

Secure Packaging

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Export Documents

Ensuring the completeness and accuracy of export documents, including relevant invoices, certificates, and health certificates, is crucial. The destination country may require specific documents that should be prepared and accompany the shipment.

Primary Consultation

Asperiores tempus, faucibus occaecati, viverra at fuga, eros. Aliquet bibendum platea, ducimus natus blanditiis. Felis nec numquam.


Asperiores tempus, faucibus occaecati, viverra at fuga, eros. Aliquet bibendum platea, ducimus natus blanditiis. Felis nec numquam.


Asperiores tempus, faucibus occaecati, viverra at fuga, eros. Aliquet bibendum platea, ducimus natus blanditiis. Felis nec numquam.

"Aliquet cumque egestas necessitatibus similique auctor hendrerit in numquam, eos magna minim! Per elementum condimentum nobis, lobortis. Fames, hic cillum! Suscipit excepturi tor."
Sara Bailey
Auctor Laboriosam Ipsum

talejerdexpo is producer and exporter of first class fresh dry foods .nuts and dates based in Tehran. We located in estratigic regin in Iran We can supply The best quality of agriculture products with best price. talejerdexpo strives to provide the best and highest quality products after conducting tests. Iran’s dried fruit and date products are among the best and most delicious food products and we decided to provide the best for you all over the world.



+00 11 222 333444, +00 11 222 333422

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123 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10160, USA